Cowhide on Dark Leather With Buckstitch Crystal Concho Tack Set
Cowhide inset with dark brown leather, crystal conchos and rawhide buckstitch design
full horse size
comes with one ear headstall and breast collar
Headstall is 39”-40” at the longest length from bit loop to bit loop. It’s is adjustable to make smaller by aprox 2.5” on each side (5” total)
Breast Collar is 28” from the end of the tug to middle of the plate on each side. Also able to make smaller by 2.5” on each side.
made by Showman or Klassy Cowgirl
not customizable - cannot mix and match. Each breast collar and headstall is labeled with hide option
hide patterns will vary - choose from drop-down menu
search hide crystal concho wither strap and bronc halter for matching items!